Stay Connected 2023

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended ETT’s Stay Connected 2023 event. It was great to see so many from across the industry join us for the day. The event was a resounding success, with those who attended reporting that the discussions and presentations provided expert insight into the key issues, challenges and opportunities facing our industry. We are grateful to all of our speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors for making the event possible. Thank you to our gold sponsor TCW for their continued commitment and support.

ETT, with the support of the Board of Employers, is committed to improving quality and raising standards within the NI electrical contracting industry. Part of ETT’s mission is to share the latest thinking and best practice with individuals, employers and professionals in our industry, as well as promote continuous professional development.

Stay Connected is designed to give those in the industry an opportunity to hear about the latest industry trends, products, legislation and get the latest technical updates and business advice in short bite sized sessions.

We were delighted to have secured 12 top NI and UK industry experts who delivered a wide range of informative and engaging CPD technical and better business sessions throughout the day. Thanks to NAPITHagerQuigg GoldenActionCOACH UKConstruction Information Services, Envision, Vertical StructureMCSPod Point, and Mark Allison, the founder of Apprentice 121. Each session provided valuable insights and practical knowledge, leaving attendees with top tips and practical information that can be taken away and applied to their own role or businesses.

Our first industry innovation and insight event focused on the findings of the recent ‘Save Our Sparks’ NI Safe Isolation Campaign. Thank you to Malcolm Duncan Super Rod Ltd and our industry panel – Gary Hayers EFIXX, John Lorimer, MIET, Aaron McDonald and Mark Allison for their input on how we can take steps to improve safety and protect lives. Michael’s Story by Louise Adamson resonated with everyone in the room, highlighting how the simplest steps can save lives and spare families from heartbreak. The emotional impact of this video was profound, emphasising the urgent need for improved electrical safety awareness in our industry.

The second industry insight event examined the industry’s journey to NET Zero. It was great to hear first-hand from Mark Allison about his personal journey and transition to the renewables sector. Thanks to Martyn Raine, Simon Whittaker and Richard Townsend IEng MIET for sharing their expert knowledge and providing excellent insight into the challenges and more importantly the opportunities facing the industry on the road to NET Zero.

The support, involvement, and engagement from those across the NI Industry is truly appreciated. Stay Connected will be returning in November 2024 – watch this space!

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