Have your say on the review of the UK National Occupational Standards for Electrical Installation!

We need your say on the review of UK National Occupational Standards for Electrotechnical and Electrical Installation! BSE Skills Ltd is seeking feedback from employers, employees and stakeholders to ensure that National Occupational Standards (NOS) remain technically fit for purpose and reflect the evolving nature of electrical installation and electrotechnical work to satisfy customer demand and contribute to net zero targets.

BSE Skills is a partnership of organisations from the electrical sector, heating and plumbing sector and HVACR sector. A partnership of SELECT – Trade Association for Electrical Contracting Industry Scotland and ECA (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) will lead this work.

This is your opportunity to have a say in the standards which underpin qualifications and apprenticeships in the sector.

Background to the National Occupational Standards (NOS)

NOS specify the skills and knowledge required for an individual to carry out a workplace function competently, safely and consistently. They are developed using feedback and input from employers, employees and stakeholders from the electrotechnical industry across the UK and provide the basis of sector qualifications, standards and apprenticeships.

These NOS were last reviewed and updated in 2019. The electrical sector is a technology-driven sector and, as technology changes, the NOS may need to change to accommodate that. In addition there are other factors to take into consideration including the need to align with and support Net Zero targets across the UK.

How can you get involved?

You can access the consultation by visiting here.

Please get involved and give your feedback

Read through the NOS specifications provided and provide feedback on those which are of interest to you.

Section 1: Background to you and your organisation

Section 2: your suggested improvement for each NOS relevant to you (if this is left blank it will be assumed that you are happy with the version provided)

Section 3: anything further which is not accommodated elsewhere (note the importance of Q4)

Section 4: suggestions to improve the modern apprenticeship (for Scottish employers/employees only)

Return the completed consultation by noon on Friday 29 November 2024